
A Day of Hard, Hard Work

Here are some of the things I did at work today, in no particular order.

*Watched an MIT Tech TV video wherein a student created a replica of the MIT seal with origami;

*Watched The Price is Right;

*Took an hour and a half long lunch;

*Read Heart Healthy Recipes;

*Spent some time trying to figure out what I’m going to wear tomorrow.

I promise you, they all had a direct tie to work. Except for the lunch, that is – that was just fun.


Why the move to Mondays, PDQ?

My favorite section of the Plain Dealer Sunday paper is the PDQ. I just adore those stats. Imagine my horror to find out that the PDQ will now be printed only for the Monday edition of the paper. Starting in two weeks.

This makes no sense to me. Who is going to read this section on Mondays? The substance usually coincides with fun, weekender-type things like, number of beers purchased during a home Indians game: 44,501. What’s it going to cover now? Number of times the Dow opened above 12,000 in 2008? Who CARES? I mean, I do, but not in the PDQ section. I want the PDQ to answer the following questions for me:

* Number of times Lindsay Lohan has been in rehab
* Amount the average American spends on lollipops in a year
* Number of copies of the Karma Sutra sold on February 14th
* Average pay per movie for Michael Cera
* Number of trees killed to print Michael Cricton novels

Well, I guess change is always bound to happen. So long, PDQ. I enjoyed reading you on Sundays.